The Arctic Agency for Environmental Research Methodologies and Artistic Practice is a curatorial, arts and community project based in a 1960’s caravan in Tromsø, Norway. It embraces the overarching project Failure, Understanding, Care (&Kunst) as a manifesto to drive experimental practices, upholding these themes as the means to an environmentally friendly and exciting art.
1) No use of air travel to transport artists for exhibitions/presentations or to transport art- works or materials to be used for the project.
2) Art works included in the projects shall be made from re-used, re-appropriated or recycled materials. Items used in the production of the projects should not be shop bought (unless the item will expand the life-cycle or protect the life of other items in the projects, if required by the artist).
3) There will be no use of electricity inside the project space apart from electricity generated from renewable sources.